Issuer ? SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE DE FONDERIE Anciens Etablissements Chappée, Etablissements Nanquette, Fonderie Caloria,

Siège social
Rue cambacérès, 6 - Paris (France , Paris ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1945
Place d'iéna, 8 - Paris (France , Paris ) appearing in yearbooks from 1948 to 1948
- Clacy (France , Aisne ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Damparis (France , Jura ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Dax (France , Landes ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Le Cateau-Cambrésis (France , Nord ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Noyon (France , Oise ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Paris (France , Paris ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Port-Brillet (France , Mayenne ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Pouilly (France , Côte-d'Or ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Saint Michel (France , Aisne ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Sainte Jammes (France , Sarthe ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Seurre (France , Côte-d'Or ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940
- Soissons (France , Aisne ) appearing in yearbooks from 1940 to 1940