Issuer ? Gaz et Eaux

Issuer names and variations :

  • Gaz et Eaux
  • Gaz et Eaux, Société anonyme
  • Gaz et Eaux, société anonyme
Juridical status : Société Anonyme (Libre) established 1881-03-21

Listing information : Listed on Paris (Official List) starting from 1881-05-02
  • Spot prices from 1881-05-02 to 1976-12-31
  • Forward prices from 1935-01-22 to 1937-12-31
Listing information : Listed on Paris OTC (Coulisse) starting from 1892-09-12
  • Spot prices from 1892-09-12 to 1892-09-29
Headquarters and production sites :